Sunday 15 June 2014

Designing and making project

Initial Ideas and Research for E-Textiles project

Initial idea: to make an embellished masquerade mask that lights up when it is put on and the circuit is completed by connecting the side ties. Or it could be touch-sensitive, so it lights up when it touches the skin of the face.

First thoughts for a colour scheme would be that it would have to work with white LEDs. These would last longer than coloured ones. So, pale colours or black would be better. Perhaps the contrast of black to white light would be most striking...(Bear in mind that conductive thread is a gunpowder colour)

I like the idea of the use of beads as the lights could nestle amoungst them nicely, therefore making the effect more subtle. It could also mean you could have the light function off if you chose to and the lights wouldn't stand alone. I would need to put in an override switch in this case. I would need to be wary of weight. 

I like the idea of incorporating feathers as this would create layered textures with the beads and LEDs. It would also add an ethereal and magical feel. 

How would I create the basic mask structure? It would have to be stiff enough to hold it's shape while on and off, but if I stiffened it after sewing in the circuit would it weaken it in any way?
If I stiffened before it would have to be soft enough to sew into. 











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